It’s a Wild Life
We’ve got some pretty wild neighbors here at Easton Park, and we’re not talking about the Knobsters. But this IS Texas, y’all. Because Easton Park has many healthy natural habitat areas, our community is home to many wild animals, including snakes, deer, wild hogs, turkeys, rabbits, armadillos, raccoons, opossums, squirrels, foxes, coyotes, birds, and more.

You otter know
Did you know that river otters (Lutra canadensis) have been spotted in Cottonmouth Creek? While these playful native animals typically live north of Easton Park, they have been seen around the creek during particularly wet and rainy times. During the rainy season, the creek can serve as an otter highway that allows them to travel up and down from Onion Creek.
We toad you once
Easton Park offers native habitats for many reptiles and amphibians, including:
Texas Toads
Anole Lizards
Texas Spiny Lizards
Texas Rat Snakes
Texas Garter Snakes
Water Moccasins
Did you say snake?
Yup. It’s true. We have snakes here in Easton Park. Many people don’t like the idea of having snakes as neighbors, but snakes actually help the environment in many ways, and it’s a sign that we have a healthy natural environment. Snakes eat rodents and ticks, which can help control pests and diseases such as Lyme disease. They also serve as food for larger animals. Most snakes are actually shy, and they won’t come near unless they feel threatened.
What to do if you see a snake:
1) Leave it alone.
2) If you like, take a picture from a safe distance and send it to the Easton Park Community Life Team along with the location.
3) Continue to leave the snake alone.
And hogs?
Because much of the area around Easton Park is still very rural, we do occasionally see feral pigs in and around the neighborhood. These invasive animals eat a variety of plants, insects, and trash, and they can be very destructive to yards, gardens, and landscaping. If you see a wild hog, please don’t interact with it, especially if it’s a mother pig with young piglets. Please do feel free to call the Easton Park Community Life Team or file an HOA ticket if you notice landscaping that has been disturbed so it can be fixed as quickly as possible.
Let the wildlife be
In general, pay attention when you’re walking on trails, especially at dawn or dusk when wild animals are more likely to be active. Never try to feed or approach the native wildlife; be sure to stay on the trails. Avoid walking in high grasses, especially in the areas around creeks and ponds. These areas are especially popular with our snake friends. DO NOT LET DOGS RUN FREE AROUND CREEKS AND PONDS. Please keep pets on leashes at all times. If you have any questions or concerns or see anything that worries you, don’t hesitate to file an HOA ticket so they can see if it’s a matter that needs their attention.
Want to live in a neighborhood where you can enjoy seeing amazing nature and curious creatures on your daily walks? Come find your dream home here in Easton Park.